Kadaj Screenshots

Feel free to use any of these pictures, but save them to your own server space before you link to them.

Kadaj doing a summoning Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo, the three motorcyclists of the apocalypse
Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo, the three motorcyclists of the apocalypse
Kadaj in profile
Kadaj - heroin chic Kadaj, not at his best Spooky meeting in the spooky woods Kadaj in profile
Kadaj, soon to be ruler of all he surveys Kadaj and the mysterious draped man Kadaj turning Kadaj turning
Kadaj, looking innocent Kadaj - He looks so sweet, doesn't he? Kadaj dominating Cloud Kadaj dominating Cloud some more
Kadaj and the ominous glove Kadaj, too sexy for full focus Kadaj doing a summoning Kadaj fighting Cloud

Screenshots courtesy of the Final Fantasy Shrine.

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Advent Children Swag

Kadaj, Advent's Silver-Haired Bastard Stepchild