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Return of the King

Page 1 In which our heroine meets Ferdinand the Bull
2 In which our heroine attempts to meet Ferdinand the Bull again
3 Passing notes in class
4 Small annoyances. The universe is made of small, inescapable annoyances.
5 Embodiment of desire meets embodiment of lust

Bright Future

Several years after the unceremonious end of Return of the King, Robin was reborn in the Bright Future. The Bright Future is a MUSH loosely based on the World of Darkness. Because it takes place in the year 2251, in a world which has passed through a period of vampire domination and has lost much of its original technology and all pretense of mundanity, her background had to be changed slightly. She is now a 22-year-old comp-sci graduate student at a university in San Francisco, instead of a 20-year-old physics undergrad at NYU.

I've also changed the details of her race and powers to more closely match Chinese folklore. All of her original combat skills are gone, to be replaced by stronger illusionist skills and herbalism-based hedge magic. She has a much stronger tie to the spirit world. Her original curse--that everyone who fell in love with her lost a piece of their soul to her, and pined to death if she didn't return their love--is gone, since it turned out not to be genuine folklore.

Robin's logs

Since the official site's logs are incomplete, here are some log pages for individual characters:

Justin, Mage of Hermes

Danny, spaztastic werehorse

Sunshine, wisewoman of Lilith, and Simon, rustic hothead

Hayden and Sawyer, an enchanted deer and his/her pursuer

Miscellaneous logs